What is the 100% Equities Strategy?

100% Equities Strategy
100% Equities Strategy100% Equities Strategy?

Investing in stocks offers numerous strategies, among which is the 100% equities approach. With this method, all available funds are directed solely into stocks, disregarding other investment avenues such as bonds or derivatives. Essentially, adhering to a 100% equities strategy means your portfolio is exclusively comprised of stocks.

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Key Points Regarding the 100% Equities Strategy

  • Exclusivity to Stocks: At its core, the 100% equities strategy entails investing solely in stocks, excluding bonds, cash equivalents, or alternative assets. By focusing entirely on stocks, investors seek to leverage the growth potential inherent in equities.

  • Prevalence in Mutual Funds: Many mutual funds adhere to this strategy, directing investors' funds entirely toward stocks. Although these funds may have a nominal allocation mandate for equities, in practice, they often invest nearly all assets in stocks. Investors are attracted to these funds due to their simplicity and potential for superior returns compared to balanced or fixed-income funds.

  • Risk Considerations: Stocks inherently carry higher risk than bonds or cash equivalents. While diversification within a stock portfolio can mitigate some risks associated with individual companies or sectors, market volatility remains a concern.

    Investors embracing the 100% equities strategy must be prepared for market fluctuations and acknowledge various risks, such as company-specific, industry-specific, and broader economic risks that can influence stock prices.

Types of 100% Equities Strategies

Within the realm of 100% equities strategies, various subcategories exist, each with distinct investment focuses and objectives:

  • Growth: Growth investing targets companies with significant potential for revenue and earnings growth. These companies often operate in emerging technologies or innovative industries. Investors in growth stocks typically accept higher-risk investments as they seek out companies capable of delivering above-average growth rates.

  • Value: Value investing involves identifying stocks that are undervalued relative to their intrinsic worth. This strategy relies on fundamental analysis, emphasising metrics such as price-to-earnings ratio, price-to-book ratio, and free cash flow. Value investors believe that the market occasionally undervalues certain stocks, presenting opportunities for long-term gains as the market corrects itself.

  • Income: Income investing prioritises current income generation from investments. This category often includes mature companies that pay consistent dividends. Examples include real estate investment trusts (REITs) and master limited partnerships (MLPs), structured to provide high levels of income to investors. Income investors typically seek stability and steady cash flow from their investments.

  • Market Capitalisation: Capitalisation refers to a company's size, typically categorised as large-cap, mid-cap, or small-cap. Large-cap companies are often more stable, with established businesses and steady earnings. In contrast, small-cap companies are considered riskier due to their early-stage development. Investors may opt to focus on a specific market capitalisation category based on their risk tolerance and investment objectives.

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The Significance of Diversification

Although a 100% equities strategy holds promise for substantial growth, the significance of diversification cannot be overstated. Diversifying across various asset classes, encompassing bonds and cash equivalents, serves to alleviate risks inherent in a portfolio solely reliant on stocks.

A well-diversified portfolio distributes risk and diminishes volatility, thereby fostering a more stable investment journey over the extended term.


In conclusion, the 100% equities strategy presents a clear-cut method of investing, centred exclusively on stocks without diversification into other asset classes. Although it holds the promise of significant growth, it inherently entails higher risk compared to diversified portfolios.

Familiarity with various equities strategies enables investors to harmonise their investment aims with their risk tolerance and financial aspirations.

Through meticulous selection of investments aligned with their objectives and tolerance for risk, investors can construct a portfolio tailored to their requirements, facilitating the realisation of their long-term financial objectives.

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