A 72-Year Old India

A 72-year old India
A 72-year old India
7 min read

A 72-year-old India

The Indian freedom movement was a mass-based movement that encompassed various sections of society. It also underwent a process of constant ideological evolution.

Once Indians determined to set their land free from colonial rule, the British left with no choice but to flee. However, it was not easy. India proudly stood free from the shackles of slavery under British rule on 15th August 1947.

Hoisting our national flag at Red Fort, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, first Prime Minister of Independent India, delivered a remarkable speech that boosted confidence and awoke a sense of unity when he said," Long years ago, we made a tryst with destiny and now the time comes when we shall redeem our pledge…At the stroke of the midnight hour, when the world sleeps, India will awake to life and freedom."

As significant as the moment itself was, Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru's words resonated deeply with every Indian, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of millions. This date has been designated as a National and Gazetted Holiday throughout our nation, serving as a solemn occasion to independently commemorate India's liberation from the British Empire.

The mere mention of this date fills our hearts with immense pride and serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made during the struggle for freedom. We owe this precious freedom to the courage and sacrifice of our valiant freedom fighters, who unwaveringly laid down their lives so that future generations could live in freedom.

India grappled with internal conflicts and possessed meager financial reserves for its development, akin to a blank canvas awaiting its story. Despite numerous obstacles, we succeeded in garnering international recognition.

India has undergone remarkable growth and progress and has now emerged as the world's fastest-growing economy. Our nation has reached new pinnacles in diverse fields, spanning physics, chemistry, mathematics, medicine, literature, film, sports, technology, space exploration, and music.

Milestones Achieved Post-Independence


The Indian constitution, often regarded as one of the most comprehensive in the world, is a meticulous document that encompasses laws, regulations, and procedures to guide the functioning of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches, as well as the conduct of all citizens within the country.

Our founding fathers demonstrated great wisdom in enshrining the right to vote for all and instituting universal adult franchise as a fundamental aspect of our constitution, promoting democracy within diversity.

In the earlier years, there were reservations about extending the right to vote to all citizens, given that a significant portion, approximately 88%, of the population was illiterate at the time of Independence.

While certain elite groups believed that the responsibility of electing representatives should rest on the educated, our founding fathers held a different view. They firmly believed that even an individual with limited education had the capacity to choose their representatives, a vision that proved to be prescient. The Indian constitution has granted its citizens fundamental rights, including the pivotal principle of universal adult franchise.

This concept ensures that anyone above the age of 18, regardless of their caste, creed, or religion, possesses the right to vote. The practice of universal adult franchise sets our constitution apart, exemplified by the 2014 election, where a staggering 81 crore people were eligible to cast their votes. This massive electoral event spanned an entire month and was conducted in nine distinct phases.

This monumental election stands as an unprecedented event in world history, showcasing India as the world's second most populous country with a fully functioning democracy.

Otherwise, there are countries like Ecuador, Venezuela, Russia, Thailand, Africa, and the Philippines that tried to set up democracy but failed. We are among a few countries that grant the right to information to their citizens.

Infrastructure Development

The progress of a nation is reflected in its infrastructure development, serving as a source of national pride. India has experienced a remarkable transformation in its infrastructure, encompassing the expansion of road networks, railway systems, airports, and the establishment of smart cities. These developments have ushered in world-class facilities to diverse regions across our country.

Railway Network

Indian Railways has evolved into one of the world's most expansive railway networks, encompassing a vast expanse of 1,15,000 kilometers of tracks, covering a route spanning 67,321 kilometers, and serving a network of 7,112 stations. This extensive network facilitates the daily transportation of over 23 million passengers across different destinations.


Numerous flyovers and expressways have been built to connect various regions and alleviate traffic congestion on existing highways. The Eastern Peripheral Expressway stands as the most recent addition to this infrastructure, enhancing the commuting experience for the residents of the area by facilitating seamless travel from one place to another.


The Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport in Delhi, renowned for its world-class amenities, has received prestigious accolades. It has been honoured as the Best Airport in Central Asia and has received the title of Best Airport Staff in Central Asia at the esteemed Skytrax World Airport Awards. Additionally, it has been conferred the Best Airport Award by the Airport Council International.

Smart City

The Smart city project has a vision to alleviate the burden on existing urban centers. It aims to develop approximately 100 smart cities that will not only enhance the quality of life within these cities but also have a positive ripple effect on neighbouring urban areas and towns.

A 72-year old India
Independence Day: Inspirational Wishes and Quotes for a Joyous Day

Technological Development

What was once considered magical is now referred to as "technology." Science wields the power to transform the seemingly impossible into reality. When we think of technology, we often associate it with contemporary advancements like automobiles, televisions, cell phones, as well as complex achievements such as nuclear capabilities and space exploration.

Both science and technology have had a profound and extraordinary influence on the economic progress and societal advancement of our country.

Nuclear Reactor

On August 4, 1956, Asia's inaugural nuclear reactor, Apsara, was established. Presently, India hosts 21 operational nuclear reactors distributed across seven nuclear power facilities.


The most recent technological development in this domain is the introduction of metro railways. Metro services offer a modern, convenient, and rapid means of mass public transportation. These services have been launched not only in the capital but also in other major cities throughout India.

Bullet Train

The bullet train project is also under construction which will add to the glory of our country.

Internet Connectivity

In 2016, approximately 323 million individuals in India harnessed the power of the Internet through their mobile phones, accounting for roughly 24.3 per cent of the country's population. The proliferation of the Internet is not confined to urban areas; it has extended its reach to Indian villages, encompassing a growing portion of the rural population, which now stands at about 60 percent.

This transformation was facilitated by the emergence of private companies that played a pivotal role in reducing tariff rates, and making mobile technology accessible to a broader segment of society. Subsequently, people began utilizing mobile communication in various ways, setting off a chain reaction.

This achievement is remarkable, as such rapid technology adoption is a rare occurrence, yet India successfully accomplished it. Companies introduced innovative technologies at affordable price points, and within a mere decade, from 2007 to 2017, India evolved into one of the most lucrative markets for internet-based enterprises.

The Information Technology (IT) sector in India plays a pivotal role in the nation's economy, contributing approximately 8 percent to the country's total GDP. This makes it the fifth-largest industry in India. With the ongoing expansion of the IT industry, it is anticipated that end-user spending in this sector will continue to increase at a rapid pace.

Self-Sufficiency in Food

The Indian government has adopted many measures to achieve self-sufficiency in food grains. The 1970s and 1980 "green revolution" was the most notable measure, especially in the production of food grains making India self-sufficient in food.

Not even self-sufficiency, India is now a food-surplus country by producing more than the food demand. India is the fifth largest country in the production of cereal, grains, pulses, and milk.

Without achieving this, we would remain reliant on the Western world for all cutting-edge advancements, hindering our ability to formulate an independent foreign policy. However, it's important to note that the increase in food grain production isn't uniform across all Indian states.

Hence, there's a pressing need to enhance the food distribution sector, given that millions of people, including children, are still deprived of this fundamental necessity in our nation.

Space Technology

India has emerged as a significant contributor to creative and fundamental scientific advancements worldwide. This has elevated the nation's economic standing and fostered a technologically advanced environment. India has made remarkable strides in this domain:

  • Aryabhata

India designed the first space satellite "Aryabhata", in the year 1975. It was named after an Indian astronomer, Aryabhata. 

  • Chandrayaan

India launched "Chandrayaan" to explore the moon. The vehicle was successfully transmitted into lunar orbit in its first attempt. The Discovery of the widespread presence of water molecules in the lunar soil is the greatest achievement of "Chandrayaan". 

  • India National Satellite System (INSAT)

The India National Satellite System is a series of satellites used for telecommunications, broadcasting, meteorology, and search and rescue operations.

  • Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle

The whole world is amazed to see this wonderful and cheap launch in its first attempt worth 450 Crore by ISRO.

  • Mars mission

Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) successfully launched the Mars Orbiter Mission in its first attempt to probe Mars. India became the fourth country to reach Mars orbit after the Soviet Space Program, NASA, and the European Space Agency. It is the first Asian nation to reach Mars orbit in its first attempt at a very cheap rate.

Efforts to Make:

  • Enhance the food distribution infrastructure.

  • Efforts must be concentrated in the domains of Education, Healthcare, Infrastructure, and Employment to bridge the social and economic disparities within our society.

  • Eliminate the caste system that hinders social mobility.

  • Boost the purchasing power of the average citizen.

  • Foster the development of rural areas across the country.

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