A Guide to Understanding 12B-1 Funds

A Guide to Understanding 12B-1 Funds
A Guide to Understanding 12B-1 FundsA Guide to Understanding 12B-1 Funds
2 min read

Investing in mutual funds can be a wise strategy for long-term wealth growth, but it's crucial to grasp the full spectrum of fees and expenses linked with them.

Among the various types of mutual funds, there's one called a 12B-1 fund that frequently includes extra charges. This article aims to elucidate what a 12b-1 fund entails, its functioning, and why it's imperative for investors to comprehend these fees.

Understanding 12B-1 Funds

A 12b-1 fund is a particular type of mutual fund that imposes a 12b-1 fee on its investors. This fee is intended to cover various expenses associated with distributing and promoting the fund. It's comparable to a commission paid to brokers for selling the fund to investors.

Unlike other fees, such as loads or sales fees, the 12b-1 fee is a percentage of the fund's market value.

These funds set aside a portion of their assets to cover these distribution costs, which are reflected in the fund's expense ratio. Detailed information about these fees can be found in the fund's prospectus.

Commonly referred to as a "level load," 12b-1 fees encompass marketing expenses, compensating brokers and sellers, and advertising costs, such as printing and mailing fund prospectuses to investors.

A Guide to Understanding 12B-1 Funds
Understanding 12B-1 Fee

How 12B-1 Funds Work?

The term "12b-1" comes from Rule 12b-1 of the Investment Company Act of 1940. This rule allows fund companies to distribute their shares and use their own funds to cover distribution charges.

Distribution fees include various expenses linked to marketing and selling fund shares, such as compensating brokers, advertising costs, and printing and mailing prospectuses.

While the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) doesn't set a specific limit on 12b-1 fees, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has established guidelines. According to FINRA, 12b-1 fees designated for marketing and distribution expenses cannot exceed 0.75% of a fund's average net assets per year.

Some 12b-1 plans may also incorporate "shareholder service fees," which cover expenses related to investor inquiries and providing investment information. These fees may be part of the 12b-1 plan or categorised under "Other expenses." FINRA imposes an annual cap of 0.25% on shareholder service fees, regardless of their inclusion in the 12b-1 plan.

Although initially intended for advertising and marketing, today, only a small portion of the 12b-1 fee is allocated to these purposes.

Special Considerations

In recent years, there has been a decrease in the popularity of 12b-1 funds. The rise of exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and the availability of low-fee mutual fund options have expanded investors' choices. Many experts see 12b-1 fees as a burden, prompting consumers to seek out alternatives.

With an increasing range of options to choose from, investors can now find similar funds without the extra cost of 12b-1 fees. By understanding these fees and considering alternatives, investors can make well-informed decisions to optimise their investment portfolios.

In conclusion, while 12b-1 funds have historically been prominent in the investment world, their significance has waned in recent years. As investors become more mindful of fees and alternatives like ETFs gain momentum, understanding the intricacies of mutual fund fees becomes crucial.

By educating themselves and exploring alternative investment avenues, investors can make informed choices to reach their financial objectives.

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