Be Serious while communicating with your official Email ID

Be Serious while communicating with your official Email ID
Be Serious while communicating with your official Email IDBe Serious while communicating with your official Email ID
3 min read

Be Serious while communicating with your official Email ID

There was one person who was working as an assistant. Manager in one company. He used to complete his all tasks on time. Once upon a time, his boss gave him a project. After a few days, his boss told him to postpone his first project and work on the second project.

As his boss told me, he started working on the Second project. A few days later, he got one mail mail he was shocked. In that mail, the senior management gave him a warning for not completing his first project and asked the reason for not completing that project.

The Employee was upset & he had written a very unethical mail to his Boss and in that mail, he questioned his boss as well as the company`s communication system.

This is not a good condition at the workplace. Because he spoiled his relationship with his boss, his capacity to do work and performance were also affected. 

Yes, we can understand this was the mistake of his boss, and he would have forgotten due to his busy schedule and heavy workload.

The employee would have replied only in two sentences that; as you told me after postponing the first project, I was working on the second project. If the first project is more important, I will complete the same in the required day's time.

Today E-mail is the only way of communication in the corporate. This is the way of record of everything that has been communicated. If you are a working professional then you must know the email adequately. If you are answering or writing the mail to your seniors what are the things you should keep in mind?

Be Serious while communicating with your official Email ID
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  1. Your Mail should be clear and correct.

When you are writing the mail in the business communication you must be careful about your grammatical mistakes. Your message words should be very easy while reading only the receiver can understand what you want to communicate.

Don`t forget to write the subject line, it increases the probability of instant reading. Before pressing the Send button, you should read the mail once again, If you find any mistake correct it.

  1. You should follow Manners:

All the emails that you are sending should be professional, here manners play an important role. If you are writing a mail to your Boss or sup subordinates you can start with Dear and don't forget to write Regards at the end of the mail.

After reading any mail, if you are feeling angry then don`t reply to the mail instantly. Don`t write the mail under pressure, mail that has been written under mental pressure never gives a good impression. Give some time to yourself and get cool before any kind of corporate communication.

  1. You should answer only one.

If you got any information by mail and the same information is sent to others as well, then you should reply only to the sender. If that information is related to others then, you need to put the concerned person's E-Mail ID in C.C.

  1. You should update your Mailbox.

You need to update your Mailbox regularly. Remove or delete your spam and unused mail daily. The emails that will be used after a few days should be updated folder-wise. If you are not deleting the non-required emails regularly, this may create a problem in reaching you with the new emails.

  1. Someone keeping an eye on your emails:

Generally, the companies keep track of all the internal mail. You should not use your internal mail for any personal activities. As per the company law, the management has the legal authority to see the mail on the system.

Be Serious while communicating with your official Email ID
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Be Serious while communicating with your official Email ID
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