

Puja Bhardwaj


Today we will discuss Google AdWords. First, let’s understand what do you know by the term google AdWords?

Google AdWords are the advertisements that appear on the google site during any research-related or something other, it is a kind of online advertising platform developed by Google where advertisers bid to display brief advertisements, service offerings, product listening, or videos for web users.

It can be used in both the result of search engines like google search and on non-website, mobile apps, and videos. Let’s discuss the tips for some creative use of Google AdWords.

· Firstly, target the audience you require and try to make the list as big as you can, capture as much as possible, and then make sure that the advertisements are shown everywhere and all places where it is required, all the research should have one advertisement as required.

Targeting gives you the ability to show your ads to reach people with a specific interest, namely people who are interested in your product and services, and show them relevant ads. With all the required features which you think will attract the audience as much.

· The required features which can attract the people as much as I think are keywords try to focus on people research and make sure your brand name or whatever you are advertising do come first while the research related to it is made, ad location show your ads on google search result pages and website that are the part of google search and display networks, and the specific language for every geographic area so that it makes easier for other people to search without the language barrier, your ads should be open on all the devices and you can have fine-tuned which devices your ads appear on and when.

· Despite all other features, you can access all the activities done on your ads, if a person clicks your ad and purchase or download your app then you will be able to track all the activities which is a great thing that can help you to improvise or improve the things you required, you can track and improve the things which is an important function provided here.

· Use best thumbnails or GIFs for the campaign of your advertisement on google, make sure it appears on all the search results and choose a name with prior alphabets so that it gets easier to be on top for the consumer to reach, make your advertisement creative for others and with all the comfort zone for others to reach.

Put all the information required or that consumers should know about your brand or product. With all the affirmatives with explanations, but all the positive, beneficial points of your product can attract your audience in large numbers.

· Creativeness is something that comes from your mind Google AdWords gives you so many functions but it should be you who should know that how to use this function in a creative way to target your audience with all the creativeness try to introspect yourself and google ad words so that you can use all things in a good way.

A great way of doing this is first to make samples differently and upload after some time to see the reaction of your audience then proceed in that way only to make them more attractive.

Because the audience is mainly in marketing, they should be your priority and your responsibility to make all the possibilities work to reach your audience with their requirements and their choice that they want the best strategy of marketing.

· Apart from it, the platform presents a good platform for small business starters to advertise their product and use it for their benefit. It is a great creative way for starters to use and grow their business all around because through google AdWords the starters have the chance to sell their product and make their choice of the audience that they want to interact with or make them see their product on all the platforms where the public can gain their attraction with a good number of public but it’s a very important and tricky platform but the main thing is that only that how do you use for your purpose.

· Google ad words are not only for people with business purposes but also for the people who know how to edit. It is also a platform where you can have a good career but it is all about creativity.

But you should know how to use this creativity for your career and your benefit. nowadays people mostly spend their time on social media so it is a good platform for the business people for marketing to gain people’s attention and focus with a good amount of public.

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