5 Facts About the Land of the Rising
5 Facts About the Land of the Rising  

5 Facts About the Land of the Rising Sun

Editorial Staff

One of the most powerful countries in the world is Japan. Back in the day, the Japanese Empire dreamed of world domination by invading neighboring countries in Asia.

Japanese soldiers were known as fierce fighters, and many died on the battlefield with honor. Most notably, Japanese fighter pilots considered it a privilege to become "Kamikaze" as they drove their planes to damage aircraft carriers.

Today, Japan is among others at the top of the world. And no, we're not talking about World War Japan, we're talking about modern Japan. Also known as the "Land of the Rising Sun," one would think that the country was doomed to poverty during their defeat against the allies in World War II.

However, just like their name, the country has risen and is now back on top as one of the world's most progressive countries. It's impressive that such a decisive setback failed to keep the wonderful nation of Japan down. With that said, here's an ode to the Japanese. Here are some incredible facts about the country of Japan.

The JR Pass

Because of its reputation, Japan is one of the world's countries that are considered must-visits for tourists and adventurers alike. One of the best Japan facts that will delight foreign travelers is the existence of the Japan Special Rail Pass. 

The JR Pass is a ticket that's made only for visitors and tourists that want to spend time in Japan. This ticket enables the bearer to have unlimited access to all the Japan Railway trains for a set amount of time. Visitors should sign up for the pass before going to the country. 

Aside from the unlimited access to trains that this pass gives, tourists can also use the JR Pass to ride any JR bus and ferry service. Last but not least, the JR Pass can also be honored at certain hotels for a discount. Truly world-class, Japan is a country you should never miss going to. 

The Osaka Castle

Speaking of tourist destinations, one of the best places to go to in the country is Osaka Castle. When you see a huge Japanese castle in some anime series or movie, chances are it was based on this historical landmark. 

The castle is a fortification wherein influential leaders of the country made it their seat of power. Today, Osaka Castle is now a cultural property, with several flower viewing events worthy of visiting. The tourist destination attracts over 2 million visitors annually.

Divine Wind

As mentioned earlier, the Japanese were fierce opponents on the battlefield. In the latter stages of World War II, Japanese pilots would intentionally crash their planes on aircraft carriers. These daring and honor-bound pilots were called "Kamikaze," which literally translates into "Divine Wind."

Fast forward to the present time; Kamikaze doesn't exist anymore. However, Japan has considerably beefed up its air force with technologically advanced fighter planes. The Japan Air Self-Defense Force, or the JASDF and the entire Japanese military, ranks as the 5th most powerful military force globally. 

Sleeping Isn't Shameful

One of the most noticeable traits that the Japanese have is their attitude towards hard work. This attitude has made the country into a global superpower, despite having an enormous setback suffered from the losses of World War II. It's normal for foreigners to see locals half-asleep on trains and even park benches because of their working habits. 

Being seen while sleeping while on the job, contrary to western beliefs, is considered an honor in Japan. Once people see you're taking a quick nap while working, they'll think you're a hard worker. 

A Nation of Coffee Drinkers

Since the Japanese are known for their incredible work ethic, what better drink to pair with their world-famous attitude than coffee? Believe it or not, Japan is one of the world's biggest consumers of caffeine.

When you visit Japan, you'll notice that the people there take their coffee seriously. In fact, a whole neo-culture revolves around the love and fascination for everything related to coffee.

If you look at The Wall Street Journal's world rankings of countries who consume the most coffee, Japan is placed 13th in a list full of countries that love their coffee. Finland tops the list and other countries such as Sweden, South Korea, USA, Germany, and Brazil. 


Japan is one of the most beautiful countris in Asia. It's one of the most populated and the most progressive countries in the world. To be a superpower, Japan has the 5th strongest military in the world. 

Once a nation condemned because of its allegiance in the former wars, the country is now back on track and is enjoying a peaceful and progressive existence worth noticing. Never miss out on an opportunity to see the beautiful country dubbed as the "Land of the Rising Sun."

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