Stay Fit after Sixty
Stay Fit after Sixty  Amazing Strategies for Aging Well

Stay Fit After Sixty: Amazing Strategies for Aging Well


Stay Fit After Sixty: Amazing Strategies for Aging Well

Getting older is inevitable. While it is not possible to control age, one can slow the decline of aging with smart choices along the way. From the foods you eat and how you exercise to your friendships and retirement goals.

It all affects how fast or slow your body ages. Keep reading for simple ways to keep your body tuned up and your mind tuned in. And the best part is that it is never too late to get started.

Whether you have a few specific goals to boost your physical stamina and mental clarity just wish to be more active and able to live life with energy and verve, here are some amazing ideas for staying in shape:

Stay Physically Strong

You lose muscle mass when you get older. Offset that by doing strength training. You can easily use weight machines at a gym, lighter weights you hold in your hands, or your body weight for resistance such as in yoga or Pilates.

High-intensity interval training is less intimidating than it sounds. You just need to repeat short bursts of all-out exercise with a longer period of easy recovery.

In the last few years, this kind of exercise has generated considerable attention among exercise scientists because this kind of workout seems to support any age and any fitness level to become healthier.

Do some high-intensity workouts at least for 15 minutes including a warm-up and cool-down and get amazing health and fitness benefits.

Make Changes in the Diet

Whenyou age, you should eat carefully. At this age, the majority of diets should be designed with unique bodies in mind. One of the effective eating strategies for aging well is to skip processed foods and beverages.

It will eliminate added sugars from your diet. Cut out packaged foods, you will start eating a lot more fruits and vegetables, lean meats and fish, and whole grains.

While you do not need to plan your health around 'any super food', you can eat normal fruits like blueberries; there is a lot to be said about eating blueberries.

Studies have proved that eating the equivalent of a cup of blueberries a day lowered blood pressure.

Although it is not possible to eat a daily cup of blueberries, best you can add darkly colored fruits and vegetables like cherries, spinach, and blueberries to your diet. They are loaded with nutrients, carotenoids, and fiber.

Hydration is Compulsory

Drink plenty of water. Sometimes, thirst marks itself as hunger. But when you get older, you may not be as quick to notice when you are thirsty. On average, you should take 64 ounces of water.

You can drink it or get part of it from foods that are naturally rich in water like tomatoes and cucumbers. In case, you are not so sure that you are getting enough water, check your urine, it should be pale yellow.

Outsmart Your Metabolism

Eat smaller meals and snacks, and don't go much longer than 3 hours without eating. Because your metabolism is already slow, if you are starving yourself, it is just getting slower.

You may require fewer calories than you did at a younger age. Talk to your doctor or any reputed dietician about it. If you are eating the same way you did when you were young, you are going to be gaining.

Take Care of Your Brain

Aging well means taking care of body and mind but, we think that keeping our bodies fit is enough for the brain. One needs to make extra efforts forebrain.

Learning while moving may be a potent way to slow the effects of aging, strengthening the body as well as the mind. Learn what you like from dancing, singing, painting, and many more.

Art can inspire an aging body and mind. Activities like music, painting, singing, poetry writing, and storytelling add meaning, joy, and a vibrant sense of well-being to the lives of older people.

While you cannot stop aging when when you involve in arts programs, your aging process gets slow. Overall, the health of such people becomes established, compared with those who are not involved in any such activity.

All in all, if you wish to enhance your chances of aging well, consider exploring your inner artist. Take up photography, and painting, and join a group of fellow artists to improve your social network to share with others the exhilarating feelings of creating art.

Practice Yoga and Meditation

If you are not physically active, a weekly routine of yoga and meditation may strengthen thinking skills and help to stave off aging-related mental decline. Regular practice of yoga improves your mood and scores lower on a scale for potential depression.

These are few important steps that one needs to follow after the 60s to age well. Apart from all these steps and techniques, try to stay positive and enjoy every moment. When you stay happy internally, you get 100% of everything you do.

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