Landing Page Optimization in SEO for Beginners
Landing Page Optimization in SEO for Beginners Landing Page Optimization in SEO for Beginners

Landing Page Optimization in for Beginners


Landing Page Optimization in SEO for Beginners

The main aim of any online marketer is to create and design a highly responsive landing page. It is created to make visitors click and visit another page of your website so that you can offer them your product, services, or something they are looking for.

Before creating a responsive webpage for your website, every online marketer makes sure that it contains bold headlines, powerful CTA (call-to-action), and many attractive things for visitors.

But while considering all this most marketers oversee the most important part of a landing page i.e. your targeted audience.

If you have designed your landing pages considering your target audience and focussing on customer engagement strategies, then the visitors will surely land on your page.

For newcomers in the realm of SEO, mastering on-page SEO elements is a key stride in optimizing landing pages. These elements, including meta tags and keyword placement, wield considerable influence on search engine rankings.

Navigating the intricacies of on-page SEO is essential for beginners aiming to enhance their webpage visibility. Integrating these elements strategically lays a robust foundation for effective SEO, ensuring a better chance of favorable rankings in search engine results.

What is an SEO, Landing Page?

A landing page is a webpage that is designed with in-depth content and optimized for both users and search engines. These pages have many features which make them attractive to the algorithms that decide whether the page should be ranked or not.

People assume it's not important to optimize the landing pages almost marketing campaigns are relatively for a limited time and at some point, they are right as most of the promotions are for a short period. But still, it is important to optimize your landing page accordingly.

How to Create a Responsive LandingPage?

  • Publish to a custom URL

Once you have created a landing page using a CMS (content management system) you get two choices, you can publish it on a sub-domain or the main domain name.

Your page will gain an advantage if you post in on your main domain as it will help in boosting your page rank in search engines with your selected keyword.

  • Select your Keywords

The keyword is the term that you put in the search box to find relevant information.

Finding relevant keywords for your business could be a daunting process. But, you can start it by making a list of the terms that are relevant to your webpage. Now try to find the combinations of those terms, someone might type in Google to search what you are offering.

For instance, you are a Doctor in Gurugram, and you are creating a landing page targeting patients who are suffering from asthma.

Instead of going for broader terms such as Doctor for asthma, or physician for asthma, try for "Doctor for asthma in Gurugram" or "Doctor for asthma near me" something more precise. It is easy to rank long-tail keywords and they also produce better ROI when compared to short-tail keywords.

  • Place keywords on your landing page strategically

Picking the right and targeted keywords is important but the next step is more important, you have to place them on your landing page strategically. Below we have given the areas where you can put your targeted keywords to win the SERP:

  • Title tag – Title tags are important, as it tells the user what the page is about. It is important to make the title tag crisp or it will increase your bounce rate.

  • Meta description – It is known as a short description of your page in the SERPs. It provides clarity to your content. Having a great Meta description can increase your CTR(click-through-rate)

  • Header tags – Tags are arranged in apostles in the hierarchy of H1 to H6.  The title of the page is always an H1 tag. If you are going to add more subheadings under H1 tags, then use H2s, H3s, and so on.

  • Image Alt tags – The name of your filename is the Image Alt tag so always name the file with your targeted keywords it will increase your page ranking.

  • Page length

Your landing page must be crisp and to the point but the Google algorithm contradicts it slightly as it favors long content. As there is no guarantee that long content will rank higher on SERPs we will focus on the quality of the content.

If you are writing well-researched and informative content then the length of the article will increase automatically. Such content will drive more readers, and more shares and these signals tell Google that the content is user-centric and needs a boost in the ranking on SERP.

  • Securebacklinks to your landing page

Backlinks are the biggest factor involved in the ranking of your landing page. Having more people linking back to your webpage will automatically boost your ranking in SERPs. The only way to create high-quality backlinks is to create high-quality content.

A well-written post always grabs the attention of the target audience; you can reach out to bloggers and influencers in your niche and can request them for linking back to your content. Remember high-quality backlinks will always give you more authority. Always focus on quality than quality.

  • Increase page speed

In this fast-moving world, it's hard for someone to wait for even 5 seconds for your content. According to stats, an average user waits less than 2 seconds for a webpage to load. Use smaller images, switch to fast web hosting, and remove extra plugins from your webpage.

  • Create shareable content

Your content should be worth sharing on different social media platforms only then you will get maximum advantage in the search engine. Social signals are very important in the eyes of Google so having a social presence can boost your rankings

Bottom Line

A landing page is an important part of the sales funnel. So, having a fully optimized webpage is crucial for boosting your business. If used well, it will drastically increase your sales and overall ROI.

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