Ms. Srinidhi Naidu

Consulting Medical Aspirants And Magnifying Their Strengths With Her Venture, EduconIndia
Ms Srinidhi Naidu
Ms Srinidhi Naidu Consulting Medical Aspirants And Magnifying Their Strengths With Her Venture, EduconIndia

Ms. Srinidhi Naidu: Consulting Medical Aspirants And Magnifying Their Strengths With Her Venture, EduconIndia

EduconIndia is the unicorn of overseas consultancy. Its genesis lies in an urge to set standards of excellence and achievement in the pursuit of studying in abroad.

In the contemporary world, the concept of education abroad is quite fascinating to make headway toward a bright career.  It provides students with a perfect picture of the world and keeps them highly competitive.

A country like the US is known to be the best and the most progressive education hub offering flexible choices during university studies. The high rate of employment and desirable earning potential and wonderful work environment attract the top candidates in the United States across the globe.

"But going abroad is not a piece of cake. It's about pushing your extremity and venturing beyond the bounds of your comfort zone"

When you decide to study abroad, you are inundated with numerous queries and doubts regarding the course, university, and many more.

It can be achieved by combining a professional qualification with the support of an overseas consultancy and most importantly, when you are ready to grab the opportunity. An overseas education consultant assists in giving accommodation to the students as they have tie-ups with the universities.

Here, there is an organization, EduconIndia in The City of Pearls, Hyderabad, actualizing the vision of aspirants into reality and demystifying studying and working abroad for them in a range of miscellaneous fulcrum.

It was initiated in 2006 to offer the right guidance and support to students willing to study abroad.  EduconIndia is the only overseas educational consultancy service provider that is especially focused on medical segments.

EduconIndia is a pioneer in giving career direction and enlivening the lifetime dreams of overseas aspirants. It is like a world of learners where candidates gain a passport to the world in different sectors.

The organization is well-known for Student Training and Consultancy Programs targeting Global Professional Entrance Exams including GMAT, USMLE, GRE, IELTS, and TOEFL.

It is a solution-oriented company with a single-mind approach in shaping up the career tracks to suit individual profiles within the parameters that may prevail in each case. The criteria may be educational, financial, or personal.

The team is 'beside the aspirant' right from the beginning of the application process until his settlement is right around the corner.

Be it preparing documents, applying for bank loans, or making ready for visa interviews, there is a team of highly skilled counselors, who help students at each step to transform the cumbersome process of studying abroad into a straightforward one.

With time, EduconIndia established processes to shore up the students to sail through the process without any obstacles.

It is a flagship institute for students and professionals dreaming to go to the US. The team walks right from the time when they apply for their counselling on what PG course/domain fits the students perfectly, to applying for the entrances, to training the students with Internationally acclaimed faculty, to getting the admissions paperwork done, to applying for licenses and to guide through the job search. We sail through the entire journey.

It is said that excellent leadership can enhance the ability to produce results for others. Present-day trends with leaders are built around the ability to engage people and coach the team.

EduconIndia is touching the sky of success because of the outstanding guidance of Ms. Srinidhi Naidu, who has set a new parameter by carving a niche for herself in the male-dominated society. She is the founder and CEO of the organization.

Srinidhi established EduconIndia when she found the complexity and long process for students to get enrolled in good universities, with a determination to do better.

From the early start, she got a clear sense of the factors that make any establishment triumphant that are hard work, cooperation, and the ability to connect with people. Srinidhi holds a Master's degree in management.

In an exclusive interview with the Editor of Startup City, Srinidhi shares her professional journey and vision of creating a transformation for studying in abroad and how she is making a difference in the lives of people globally.

Here are the edited excerpts.

To kick things off, provide a brief overview of your professional life and inspiration to create EduconIndia.

After my studies, I was leading my career path in interior design and architecture. My Dad is an engineer and has a large firm in interior designing and interior construction, which he always wanted me to join and work alongside.

Soon, I pursued a course that was relevant and started working with Dad. But along the way, while we were doing that, I was not happy. I always wanted to be independent, try out things, and prove that I can do something better for myself.

I always had the desire to invent my strengths and work to my fullest potential. After revolting a lot, I joined a company as an educational consultant in Hyderabad and started moving around universities and working on educational programs.

During my association with that company, I had come to know that these companies were trying to push students to the universities which actually wouldn't fit them right and recommend the colleges that nobody knows about for their vested interests.

There were targets on admissions and I never liked that. I used to have conversations against this with the management, but nothing ever actually changed.

When my conscience started forbidding me,I quit the job and started thinking about how better to serve the purpose. It's the life of a student and it is no joke.

There are expectations staked, and it is one complete professional life that needs to be shaped up to the best and the fullest. I did not want to work elsewhere but I wanted to serve, serve in the right way.

"It was a phase when I learned a lot and it was here that I developed great talents that boosted my determination and led me to where I am today."

I realized that there is a huge gap between the number of potential aspirants and the ever-blooming global opportunities which the Indian consultancies often fail to fill.

I found throngs of people consulting the engineering students and very less serving the medical aspirants. Complete and an equally important segment left unattended.

I also realized that the number of medical candidates who needed support was quite huge. There was a lack of quality consultancy for medical segments, and that is when I decided to start an organization of my own, more than 13 years back, paving the way for EduconIndia.

Kindly provide an insight into your organization and major courses

"EduconIndia is the cream of the crop and works to transform dreams into reality by framing the curriculum to be students' potential success secret."

Planning overseas education is a long, drawn-out process full of technicalities. EduconIndia though initially catered to the career needs of aspirants from all sectors, soon started focussing on medical professionals.

After training multitudinous doctors to make life in the US, we now stand in a position where we mostly started consulting only doctors.

EduconIndia bridges the gap between the dream of medical aspirants and the quality opportunities in the health sector of the US.  Our role as overseas education advisors is to simplify the whole process of applying to universities abroad and make their experience as simple and as rewarding as possible.

The services with EduconIndia are manifold; students are provided with multiple benefits, including broad study materials, self-assessing examinations, consultancy services, and future residential services.

Our Kaplan Test prep frames transform with time and tide to match the ongoing and upcoming exam formats to instil confidence and skill to crack the dynamic USMLE examination.

The USMLE live course has ample features to be the foundation for students to succeed and, help them to be a physician and start practicing in the United States.

Ms Srinidhi Naidu
Avsar: Employing the unparalleled, the best

How do you set yourself apart from other consultancies in your industry?

EduconIndia is synonymous with a Quality service provider for Medical students and Doctors for Residency training over the years, which almost no other educational consultancy caters to.

We pride ourselves as a la carte service provider right from education options, exam preparations, and visa process assistance. Till they come out as successful Board-certified doctors from the United States.

We are working especially for doctors, an area which almost no other consultancy caters to specifically. Additionally, we are the only organization which provides end-to-end services.

We are not limited only to catering to overseas educational consultancy, but also assist with exam preparation and end-to-end visa process, thus staying with the aspirant throughout and making sure that they get their license as a doctor in the United States.

How did you create trust among people?

Honesty, Quality, and Consistency considering Value for money, have earned the trust of our clients. Our business model is primarily based on Ethical relationships so that we have a long-term business.

Everyone knows business thrives on Trust, but only a few succeed in building Trust. And EduconIndia has successfully worked towards achieving it. 

What makes your organization special?

  • EduconIndiais unarguably and by far the most known Medical consultancy catering to doctors who want to settle in the US.

  • EduconIndia is best known for its trustworthiness and reputation among aspirants.

  • The number of students who travelled to the US seeking our service should easily be in a few thousand, and this for itself speaks for it.

  • EduconIndia is the exclusive and official partner of global educational giant Kaplan Medical to present their Live Classroom lectures in India.

  • EduconIndia is the only consultancy that brings Kaplan's global faculty to India to train and prepare our medical students for USMLE.

What does a day in the leader's life look like?  

Versatile, I should say. There is rarely a day that is like the previous ones.

Are you a risk taker?

Yes, I'm, because I believe that the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is a strategy that involves no risks.

How has being a leader affected your personal life? 

Fortunately, I have been in a family that never forces me to do anything that I never wanted to do. That's why; I don't think it has complicated my personal life a lot.  I've always had the support of my family, friends, and my partners.

Although once in a blue moon, I wonder if I could ever have got more quality time to spend with my family.  Still, all the time, I give my best to gain some good family moments.

What do you like to do the most when you are not involved in your organization's work?

Watching TV or going on a long drive.

Were there any challenges that you faced during the initial phase of your professional journey? If yes, then how did you overcome it?

"Establishing your business venture is like riding a roller coaster. There are ups and downs, and every turn you take is a new twist. The downs are very low, but the ups can be high."

Here, one needs to be strong, motivated, and ride along the roller coaster. During the initial phase of my journey, I had to face innumerable challenges. Managing things solo was not easy, and there was a lot of competition in the market.

There were numerous negative marketing going around me.  I had to somehow find and limit the entire blockage. Although it was difficult, I did not lose hope and slowly, I overcame all of them.

What were your challenges as a female leader?

It was a strenuous task for me to survive in a man's world as a woman. I heard comments like being a lady, it is not safe to travel at night, I should not stay out late at night, and I cannot take bold decisions and blah-blah.

It is the mindset that most men have always had and I should say it is changing, changing quite fast. Every single time a finger pointed at me, my answer inside and outside was WAIT AND SEE ME DO IT.

Describe the most memorable incident of your professional life.

The best moment at EduconIndia was when we launched live lecturers in India last year, where certain award-winning American professors were present.

They gave training to the Indian doctors here and, then prepared them for the examination. Later, they would go to US medical schools where they would be allowed to work in the United States. It was something historic and no one could ever do it before.

It involved risks, financially and emotionally, and I faced challenges from my competitors. I had to stay strong and take it all neat, step-by-step only to finally lead and win the game.

"Never to forget, I would love to thank my internal team members and the consultant team of digital marketers, recognized by the name VHonk Digital, who have served as my pillars of strength and have made a daunting task, look and feel simple and real."

One word that describes you the best…


Do you believe there is some sort of technique to be a successful leader?

"Once, Keith J. Davis Jr said that if you can't communicate, you're going to find yourself a lonely businessperson."

I believe that to be a successful leader, rather than interacting with the operation and management team and giving them a target, I would prefer talking to the grassroots level employee to know the exact situation and then try to come up with the solution so that the best could be executed by the managers. It will effectively work to resolve the issue.

As a rule, it happens that a plethora of discrepancies are found in the communication between workers and the company heads. I informed the manager then, and he approached juniors thereafter, and they went to field workers.

In this lengthy process, there is plenty of information that many workers miss. To avoid that, I think it always is better to communicate with employees at all hierarchies.

What is the forthcoming plan of your organization?

Keep supporting potential aspirants and keep shaping their lives.

Golden words

"One step, one punch, One Round" – The Creed

Final question, how can we expect EduconIndia to make strides in the coming days?

"I'm very excited about answering this, as I want to live up to my dreams and see EduconIndia grow further and further."

We are planning to make EduconIndia an incubator for overseas consulting. In the industry, we should stand as a foundation, a platform, and a catalyst for growth. We would wish to make EduconIndia a brand which wouldn't require any introduction.

Ms Srinidhi Naidu
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Ms Srinidhi Naidu
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